Friday, August 14, 2009

My journey into jewelry making

So everyone has a blog so I thought I would try it. I can't imagine you would want to twitter and follow me as I sit for hours hunched over (very bad for back, have to do yoga after to reverse it) a necklace that I've already taken apart 5 times and put back together in a different way. But I thought I would keep you updated on my progress and if you watch my website, it changes with my mood and perspective.

I thought I'd start by talking about what happened just yesterday. I had an order for a piece I made awhile ago and when I looked at it again, it just screamed out to me to make it better. I had just received a new shipment of gold filled beads and had just the right ones to replace the originals which were smaller and more plain. I felt like the rings would be oh so much more interesting with more coils of wire, making more of a 'basket" effect--of course, I had to also use much more wire to wrap the prenite onion, too. So, I couldn't just send out the original without making another pair when I could see it could be so much better, notwithstanding, where's the time?? where's the money? (alot more wire, more expensive beads). But you know me, I just did it.

Here's the comparison, what do you think? Would love feedback, of course, any time. The original is on bottom-- have to figure out how to caption photos, will have to read up!

Newer Is Better? (I think so)


  1. Newer is definatly better. :) They are gorgeous.
    how cool. Great to see you have a blog. its bookmarked. :)

  2. Currently I know nothing about jewelry, but over time I expect to learn alot about jewelry on this blog and from the artists perspective.
